Cei trei inculpaţi în dosarul Mihăileşti au fost condamnaţi la câte patru ani de închisoare cu executare, printr-o sentinţă irevocabilă a Curţii de Apel Galaţi.
Ion Gherghe, directorul Combinatului Chimic Doljchim, care a produs azotatul de amoniu, şi Mihai Gună şi Ionel Neagoe, administratorii a două societăţi implicate în transportul îngrăşământului fără măsuri de siguranţă au fost găsiţi vinovaţi de omor din culpă. Ei trebuie să plătească familiilor victimelor şi răniţilor despăgubiri totale de 3,246 de milioane de lei şi 430.000 de euro.
La pronunţarea senţinţei, în sala de judecată au fost prezenţi doar fratele şi mama Elenei Popescu.
(Difuzat la Observator Antena 1, 3 martie 2008)
Pe 24 mai 2004, un camion care transporta 20 de tone de azotat de amoniu a explodat în apropierea localităţii Mihăileşti din judeţul Buzău. 18 oameni au murit – 7 pompieri, civili şi cei doi corespondenţi ai Antenei 1, jurnaliştii Elena Popescu şi Ionuţ Barbu. Alţi 13 au fost răniţi sau mutilaţi pe viaţă.
Procurorii au stabilit că în urma exploziei au fost înregistrate distrugeri totalizând peste 2,6 miliarde lei vechi.
În decembrie 2006, Ionel Neagoe, Mihai Gună şi Ion Gherghe au fost condamnaţi de Judecătoria Focşani la patru ani de închisoare cu executare, fiecare, şi la plata unor despăgubiri.
Inculpaţii au făcut apel, iar în octombrie 2007 magistraţii Tribunalului Vrancea i-au achitat pe cei trei şi au respins ca nefondate toate cererile de despăgubiri formulate de părţile vătămate, ridicând sechestrele asiguratorii asupra bunurilor lor.
După ce Tribunalul Vrancea a stabilit că nimeni nu este vinovat pentru explozia de la Mihăileşti, atât procurorii, cât şi 37 de părţi civile implicate în dosar au făcut recurs, care a fost admis pe 3 martie 2008 de Curtea de Apel Galaţi. Sentinţa acestei instanţe este irevocabilă.
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“So goes Florida, so goes the country,” said Gillum, who lost his gubernatorial run last year. “If you take Florida, by and large you win the White House.”
“I don’t think we’re going to run and win this race against Donald Trump by basically saying Donald Trump is a bad person or that he’s unqualified for his office. We know that. We’re gonna win this race by giving voters something to go out there and vote for and not just against,” the Florida native said, before offering advice to Democrats looking to win over his state and take the Oval Office.
“Run towards the future, run towards painting a picture that we the regular Americans can see ourselves in. If this is about deposing Donald Trump, that doesn’t tell me enough about what you’re going to do for my life, for my family, for my children, for my future,” Gillum said.
He added: “Elections are won on the future and not the past, and we need a nominee and a vice presidential nominee who are going to be concentrated on painting that kind of a futuristic vision and not one about whether Donald Trump is bad or not. I’ve already made my decision about that, and frankly, most voters have as well.”
Gillum, a proponent of protecting and expanding voting rights, revealed his fears that election interference will discourage voters from turning up at the polls next year.
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House Speaker Nancy Pelosi praised the bill on Wednesday, calling it "a strong jobs-creating package that seizes a once in a century opportunity to rebuild America's infrastructure."
The legislation is an authorization measure, not an appropriations bill, and it does not include a pay-for mechanism as it came out of the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee and that is not part of the committee's jurisdiction.
When asked about how to address funding, DeFazio told reporters earlier this week, "this is always a sticking point," but said that the Ways and Means committee, which is the chief tax-writing committee in the House, "has held a number of hearings and there are members of that committee that have a multiplicity of ideas."
DeFazio added, "I fully expect, in concert with the Biden administration, that they will put forward proposals after we begin to meld the policy and the numbers together on the Senate side."
Democratic congressional leaders have been pursuing a dual track approach to infrastructure, pushing for a bipartisan infrastructure proposal, while at the same time setting the stage for the Senate to pass a broader package with only Democratic votes through reconciliation that could include any priorities left out of a bipartisan deal.
that he wouldn't sign a bipartisan bill on infrastructure unless it came paired with a reconciliation proposal, which had been met with criticism from Republicans who argued that attempting to tie the two efforts together could jeopardize a deal.
"It's a very substantial portion of the American Jobs Plan," he said, "So actually, it really kind of lightens the load for later action, whether it's through reconciliation or some other form, to fulfill the rest of the American Jobs Plan."
Nine states have passed legislation to reduce individual or corporate income tax rates that is awaiting governors' signatures or has been enacted, according to Katherine Loughead, senior policy analyst at the right-leaning Tax Foundation. In some, the reductions are retroactive to January 1, but in others, the cuts don't take effect until next year.
"Most of the states that are doing rate reductions have a big surplus, and that's what they are using," Loughead said. "A lot are pursuing policies they had in mind for a while now, but just didn't have the revenue to do."
In Ohio, Republican Gov. Mike DeWine signed a two-year budget bill overnight Wednesday that reduces income tax rates and boosts the bottom bracket so more low-income earners will be exempted. But it also eliminates the top bracket for those earning more than $221,300.
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